A national program that takes qualified businesses through an intensive six-month program to scale their business to the next level.
NEW VIRGINIA: Scaling4Growth is Virginia’s brand of the Interise Streetwise MBA program. For further data on the success from this program, visit www.Interise.org. This six-month program is designed for business owners to learn how to scale their business by assessing their business model and becoming more efficient in areas of human resource, finance, social media, procurement and bank speak.
Small business owners interested in being considered MUST meet the minimum requirements:
- Must be a Virginia-based business
- In business at least three (3) years
- Revenue Between $250,000 and $10,000,000
- One other full-time person working in the company besides the majority owner and able to run the company while the owner is away.
- The majority owner is the participant (51% ownership or more); substitutes may not participate
- Certified as a SWaM (Small, Woman-owned, or Minority-owned) by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity
- Willingness to complete all assignments on time.
The Online Application site remains open year-round.
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