Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification program is a Federal program. The purpose is to increase the participation of certified DBEs in projects funded by the US Department of Transportation and other federal sectors. Projects typically include heavy construction, such as building and designing roads, bridges, railroads, ports, and airports.
- The Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (DSBSD)
- The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA)
DBE Roadmap:
Please select from the tabs below to be directed to the DBE page with the DBE/ACDBE information and forms most relevant to you:
For the specific steps and forms for out of state firms applying for DBE/ACDBE certification via the Interstate Application Process, please go to the page here: New DBE Interstate Applicant
For the specific steps and forms for in-state firms applying for DBE/ACDBE certification -OR- out of state firms applying for DBE/ACDBE Certification that are opting out of the Interstate Application Process, please go to the page here: New DBE Applicant
For the specific steps and forms for ANC subsidiaries applying for DBE certification, please go to the page here: DBE ANC Applicant
Once you are certified as a DBE/ACDBE, you are required to submit, annually, documents to our office prior to your anniversary date. For the specific steps and forms for the annual submission requirement for currently approved DBE/ACDBEs, please go to the page here: DBE Annual Submission Requirement
Once you are certified as a DBE/ACDBE, you must inform us in writing of any change in circumstances affecting the firm’s ability to meet size, disadvantaged status, ownership, or control requirements of the DBE/ACDBE program or any material change in the information provided in your application form. If you are requesting to change your NAICS codes (whether requesting additional NAICS code(s), requesting to have NAICS code(s) removed, or requesting changes to NAICS code(s) you already have), or adding ACDBE (if already DBE certified), or adding DBE (if already ACDBE certified), then this also qualifies as a material change.
If there have been changes, such as to the firm’s physical address, mailing address, phone number, email, etc., then this is NOT a material change, and considered a minor change.
Whether a material change or a minor change, you must provide written notification within 30 days of the occurrence of the change.
For the specific steps and forms for the Notification of Change requirement for currently approved DBE/ACDBEs -OR- for non-material changes (such as contact information), please go to the page here: DBE Change
For the specific steps and forms to withdraw from the DBE/ACDBE program in Virginia, please go to the page here: DBE/ACDBE Withdrawal
If you need assistance in applying for the DBE certification, please contact our regional offices for appointments with one of the members of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Outreach & Technical Assistance. Click here for office contact information.
DBE Information and Regulations
Additional Information and Regulations Governing DBE is below.
- VDOT requires prospective bidders to be prequalified for all construction and maintenance contracts. The contractor prequalification is also necessary for subcontractors. Click here for more.
- Title 49 – Transportation, Part 26 – Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs. Click here for more.
- Title 49 – Transportation, Part 23 – Participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise in Airport Concessions. Click here for more.
- Request for copies of DBE file by Company Owner. Click here for more.